5 thoughts on “Running away to Mexico might just have to wait…

  1. Hi there! I stumbled upon your blog when I was doing research for my Skype Interview with IPG. It was a bit different to what I was used to, so thank you for giving me an idea of what the interview was going to be like! I just wanted to know whether you managed to get through to assessment centre or not, and if so, whether you would have any tips 🙂 Thanks again!

    • I didn’t unfortunately, no. As someone who had already graduated they have been in contact regarding jobs earlier in the year and so haven’t been put forward for the scheme.

      I hope your interview went well and I’m glad my blog was of assistance. I think the best tips are to be comfortable, make eye contact and know your experience in side out. I just got into the SMG grad scheme and standing out with a little humour may help you!

      All the best.

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